Lender Stories

Tamika reviewing lender reports, visibly concerned about SELF loan details
Horror Stories

SELF Loans Saga: The Story of Tamika

We’ve already reported a bit on SELF loans, which are administrated by the Minnesota Office of Higher Education. In this detailed exploration, we’ll uncover the risks and challenges associated with

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Collage depicting the challenges of student loans, featuring a maze, a magnifying glass over loan documents, hands shackled by dollar sign chains, a worried student with papers, a graduation cap and diploma overshadowed by a question mark, set against a backdrop of educational and financial symbols
Lender Stories

What Are SELF Loans? 

It doesn’t take much digging to figure out that there are many different kinds of student loans. There are federal and private student loans and various types of each of

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Student loan borrower assistance programs

Student Loan Borrower Assistance Guide

If you’re facing challenges with a student lender or loan servicer, exploring and connecting with student loan support programs might provide the assistance you need.   For example, there is

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4 signs of a shady lawyer letter
Lender Stories

4 Signs Of Shady Legal Language!

As we mentioned, we have legal correspondence regarding some of the student loan problems that have been dragging on for months and even years. You learn a lot from examining

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